Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Kavya wins the Talent Show to become Stratford Idol

Little over 3 weeks back we had received a letter suggesting there was going to be a Talent Show in Kavya's school. That made me think what talent can Kavya showcase there ? I asked Kavya if she wanted to participate and if so what would she do ? She wanted to participate (good thing because I also wanted her to participate - just for the experience) and her talent ideas were Magic show (using a kids magic kit that I had bought for her over a year ago) or play "Happy Birthday" on piano. I immediately discarded those and told her that I will teach her some dance steps on a bollywood song. So, she should do dancing instead. Unwillingly, she agreed.

3 weeks passed by without any further action from either her or my end on practicing for the talent show. Finally, it was Sunday afternoon (just the day before the show) and I was trying to teach her some dance steps on her favorite song "Kajra re..". She showed me some random steps on her own, but didn't want to learn anything else. She finally announced "I am going to do magic instead."

Gaurav was also watching and we decided it's best to let her do whatever she wanted. In our minds, we actually thought that in either case, it was participation that was important and not the winning. So, why put up a last-minute fight and cause stress for everyone ?

So, she got her Magic Kit and we explained her what and how to say and how to show the tricks. She practiced 3-4 times and was all set.

Finally, yesterday was the talent show in her class. The kids had to show their talent to the entire class and then all the kids get to vote to select the class winner. 2 kids with highest number of votes would then participate in "Stratford Idol" today where they would show their talent to the entire school.

I dropped Kavya off to school yesterday morning with her Magic Kit and wished her luck. When I went to pick her up in the afternoon, her class teacher, Mrs. Hayes, walked up to my car and my heart started to beat faster in anticipation. To my surprise, she told me that Kavya won the talent show and that all the kids loved the magic tricks. She went on to add that she has never seen any kid get as many votes as Kavya did ! She said almost every vote they opened up had Kavya's name :) I was happy and excited. Shortly, Kavya came out and was all smiles. She was like "See mamma, I told you Magic Show would be more fun and you wanted me to dance" :) I was like "Yeah, good thing you decided to do magic". Other kids in her class played some songs on the piano, sang a song or danced or did some gymnastic moves.. but there was only 1 magician !

Then today, she had to perform in Stratford Idol. She didn't have any magician robe or hat for the class performance. Mrs. Hayes offered her a black hat for the Stratford Idol and I decided to go to few stores to see if I can find magician costume. We went home and Binduben was there. She said she might have something at her home. So, after he reached her home, she asked us to come by to see what she had. She had a black robe from a witch costume which seemed like it would work as a magician's robe too. So, Kavya was all set.

Today morning, I dressed Kavya up and went to the Stratford Idol. The entire auditorium was full of kids and their parents.  Kavya and Nathan were selected from the Room 12 Kindergarten class. Kavya's class had made a sign saying "We love Kavya" to encourage her. Soon, the performances started. There were few kids ahead of Kavya. Finally, it was Kavya's turn.

She was looking like a real magician. However, I could feel that she was little nervous. She spoke very softly, so I couldn't hear her very well in the back, but the kids in the front enjoyed. She didn't exactly deliver the dialogues as we had practiced at home, but the important thing is that she had the courage and confidence to go up on stage and perform for the entire school. What more can one expect from a 6 year old ?

We are very proud of our little magician :)

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