Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ishaan is learning the 'sh' sound

Ever since Ishaan started talking, he would always say 's' instead of 'sh'. So, if you asked him his name, he would say "Isaan" instead of "Ishaan". Gaurav and I did not like that he was not even saying his name right.. and were wondering if he would ever learn the 'sh' sound.

Every morning, while driving him to school, Gaurav would practice with him to say the 'sh' sound.
Gradually, he started getting the hang of it. Few days back, once in a while, he would say "Ishaan" instead of "Isaan".. so we knew he was learning/trying.

And then yesterday, he started saying "Ishaan" consistently :) Both Gaurav and I were happy :)
Now we need to teach him to use 's' and 'sh' sounds correctly at the appropriate places..

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