Saturday, November 05, 2011

Mom's dilemma : To feed OR not to feed

Kavya has been a healthy/chubby kid since beginning. She weighs between 45 and 50 lbs now when is close to 6 year old. While she is not really fat, she is getting there. She loves junk food and has a sweet tooth. Once she starts eating something that she likes, she just cannot stop and keeps asking for more and more.

So, as a mom, I am faced with a very hard task : How to tell her that its enough and that she is not getting any more ?

When she was little, I used to struggle to feed her - because she wouldn't want to eat. Now, the problem is exactly opposite - how do I get her to stop ? I want her to be healthy, but not fat/obese.

So, I try and explain her to control.. and often, even scold/shout if she doesn't stop.

It's even harder because Ishaan is relatively skinny and I want to make sure he eats enough.. So, I have one kid whom I need to feed, feed and feed and I have other kid whom I need to ask to eat less.

The other day, I prepared 2 snacks : one for Ishaan and one for Kavya. I put some Amul cheese for Ishaan, but not for Kavya. When Ishaan was eating his snack, Kavya noticed that he had some Amul Cheese. So, she immediately complained : "It's not fair that Ishaan gets cheese and I don't".

I know it's not fair - but how do I explain her ?
Some people say that as she grows up she will get more conscious of her looks on her own and will learn to control and diet. I really hope she does..

And my dear Kavya - if you ever read this in the future, mommy is sorry for not letting you eat too much of your favorite things - but please know that it is for your own good. Love you very much !!

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