Friday, March 25, 2011

Ishaan is potty trained !!

I still cannot believe it, but its true that Ishaan got potty trained in less than 1 week ! Its a miracle :)

We have actually been trying to get him to sit on the potty for a while, but initially, he wouldn't sit and then he wanted to sit on it after pee/poop was done and his diaper was changed. So, basically, he would sit on it with all his clothes on - just for fun.. but at least that got the fear of potty out to some extent.

Then, 2 weeks back, I got some Thomas underwear for him - and he loves Thomas. So, that got him very excited. I washed them and he would just go around with the Thomas underwears in his hand :) So, I took advantage of this.

On Sunday, 3/13, I started the real potty training exercise. I took off his diapers and put on the Thomas underwear. He was very happy. I would take him to the potty every half an hour, but he was a bit reluctant to pee/poop on the potty. He had a couple of accidents that day and then later we had to go out, so we put him in diaper again. I asked his nanny to continue the training on Monday, but by Monday night he complained of some pain and wouldn't even sit on the potty. I assumed this was because he was holding pee due to potty fear. So, I asked his nanny to let go of the training for couple of days. His love for Thomas continued though. He would hold them in his hand and go to sleep :)

Later that week, the nanny was going to be out on Friday (3/18) and Monday (3/21). Since I was going to be with him for 4 continuous days, I decided to try it again. I put on Thomas underwear again and took him to potty seat every half an hour and MAGIC !! He started peeing properly on the toilet seat and he understood that he cannot get Thomas dirty !! :) I also gave him the incentive of chocolate - every time he peed on the toilet, I would give him an M&M and then if he pooped, he got a bigger chocolate - and he loved it. No accidents in those 4 days. When he went to sleep or outside, I would put on a pull-ups which has the Woody character from Toy Story. So, we call the pull-up as "Woody" and he understands that he cannot pee/poop in Woody either. Since then, except for 1-2 accidents, he has been religiously going to potty for both pee/poop. He actually tells us when he has to go ! And best of all, he wakes up at night to pee !!

I still cannot believe this, but I am a happy MOM. His love for Thomas and cleanliness, his understanding and my persistence has paid off :)

Now, he only wants to be in Thomas all the time. We have a hard time trying to convince him to wear "Woody" even at night :)

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