Monday, March 21, 2011

Ishaan is learning English !!

Ishaan has been able to fluently talk and explain everything in Gujarati, but lately, he has started picking up English too. He says sentences like "I can do it", "I want it", "Hold this", "Look Mommy, Look Daddy", "Here, mommy", etc.

At first, when we heard them, they sounded very cute. Sometimes, he even tries to say things that he does not really understand. For example, about 3 weeks back, Gaurav was feeding him some tomato soup. After he ate all the soup, Gaurav asked him "Are you done ke biju joiye che?". Basically, the first half was in English and the 2nd half was in Gujarati. He did not understand what the English part meant, but he understood that the second part meant if he wants more. He did not want any more.. So, he immediately responded with the first part "Are you done!" :) and we burst out laughing. He was smiling too :)

Then another incident happened yesterday. Gaurav was driving back home from Gymboree with Ishaan. Ishaan wanted something to eat. So, he told Gaurav in Gujarati couple of times to give him something to eat. For some reason, Gaurav couldn't understand what he wanted. So, Ishaan burst out "I am hungry, daddy" :) Gaurav laughed and told me about this incident when he got home.

My little boy is growing up fast and is learning lots of new things and words every day. I am really enjoying this phase of his childhood !!

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