Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ishaan's first experience of formula

Ishaan is already 9 months old now. I have been thinking for almost past couple of weeks to start giving him formula once or twice a day. While this was technically not the first time he was having formula - he had it during his first week after birth and then couple of times during emergency situations when we were out, I was very skeptical about it since I had heard about the experience of couple of other folks whose kids had refused to take formula after getting used to mom's milk and even to the extent of throwing up.

Finally, today I offered him formula for his late afternoon milk time.. I just offered him 2 oz at first.. but to my surprise and relief, he took it without any problem.. and when he finished it all, he started crying; asking for me. So, I gave him 3 more oz and he drank all of it too. So, the plan is to start giving him formula once a day and gradually increase it to two times a day.

Somehow I am feeling little bad in giving him formula.. but at the same time I am happy and relieved that he did not have any problem with formula.

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