Friday, August 01, 2014

Ishaan has become a reader !

Kavya has always been a good inspiration for Ishaan. She pushes him to achieve more and he looks up to her. So, Ishaan has been making good progress.

Till last year, he wouldn't sit with me for 5 mins while I read a book to him and I used to worry how will this boy ever learn to read :). However, this year, he started reading with small book and then Level 1 and Level 2 and even Level 3 books from the library.

And then Kavya encouraged him to read Magic Tree House books. She told him they were really interesting chapter books and that he will learn about new places. So, Ishaan gave it a try. His first chapter book was Sunset of the Sabertooth in May and since then he has read lots of other Magic Tree House books as well as other books.

The reading program at the library and Barnes & Noble was a good motivation. He is now at a point where he can finish 60 page books in less than a day. And these are book with AR level 2.x and 3.x when he is not even in KG yet. He probably does not understand everything yet - so comprehension is lacking. He can tell you high level story but not the details. So, he still has some progress to make there, but the good thing is that he likes to read and is able to sit for an hour to read.

We have also introduced reading books on Kindle to both the kids. They both enjoy it !

I am a happy mom. Even more excited about how Kavya is being a great inspiration for Ishaan !

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