Thursday, April 03, 2014

Kavya thinks grown ups are boring !

Yesterday, we were around the dining table chatting. I forget what topic we were discussing, but suddenly, Kavya complained "Growing up is not fun. Grown ups are so boring !". Gaurav and I were surprised at her statement. We asked her what made her think that. She went on "All grown ups do is work, work and work. They don't know how to have fun!".

Still surprised and also amazed, we realized there was truth in her statements. As we transition from being carefree kids/youth into mature adults, often times we forget the fun part. Thank God we have kids to remind us of that!

And my dear Kavya (and Ishaan) : As you grow up and learn your responsibilities and try to make a place for yourself in this busy world, I hope you remember this observation of yours from when you were only 8 years old and never lose your fun side !

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