Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Ishaan wants to be a race car driver when he grows up. Guess why ?

Today morning, when I was driving Ishaan to school, we had an interesting conversation.

Ishaan : Mamma, I am going to be a race car driver when I grown up.
Me : Why ?
Ishaan : So then I don't have to go to work everyday!
Me : Why do think that you won't have to go to work everyday ?
Ishaan : Because races don't happen everyday.
Me : But you have to practice everyday. Only then you can be good at it.
Ishaan : But I don't care if I don't win a trophy.
Me (Trying hard not to burst out laughing) : But they will not let you race if you are not good. They will kick you out.
Ishaan : Oh, Is that how it works ?
Me (Smiling away) : Yes, you have to practice everyday.

So interesting how kids think and reason :)

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