Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Being a stay-at-home mom

I have recently taken on a new role at work - its a new product, new team, new manager and new role. While it was not much of a choice, I was looking for change - so it worked out well. Due to this new role, work has become quite hectic. I have meetings early morning and sometimes late at night. Also, I don't get much time at work to do anything else - walk or catch up on news or learn new technology. Few days back, I also had to go to Costa Mesa for 2 days. While it was only 2 days, it does need lot of prep due to kids routine and school.

Being a stay-at-home mom has often crossed my mind, but I have discarded it thinking I will go crazy if I stayed home all day long with kids. But now, with this busy schedule, I often find myself scrambling for time - for kids and family, for home and for myself. The TODO list keeps growing and the everyday rush continues. It brings back the idea of being a stay-at-home mom. Is it really for me ? Can I do it ?

I have heard from friends that being a stay-at-home mom makes life less stressful for everyone. I can understand why. But I also feel that staying home all day, taking care of house and kids, can get boring. It has its own rewards and merits, but I think it will not provide the kind of satisfaction and self-respect that job does. While I don't feel pressed to work for money, it does give a sense of independence when you can go out and make money. In more ways that one, going to work is satisfying and keeps mind healthy.

The other option to consider is work part-time. While that seems good on paper, it is hard to find a job where working part-time really means less work. Often times, when you change to part-time, your job and responsibility stays the same, only your compensation changes.

Kudos to moms who are able to maintain their sanity and support the family needs by being a stay-at-home or part-time working mom. I just feel like its not for me - not at this time .. May be if it continues to be super busy at work, this might change.

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