Sunday, November 18, 2012

Gangnam Style episode

Our kids heard about the viral Gangnam Style video and wanted to see it. They heard the song and saw the video a couple of times and really liked the tune. Kavya wanted to hear the song again and again in the car. Even Ishaan also picked up on some of the lyrics - he liked to say "Gangnam style" and eventually he also picked up "ehhhhh sexy lady eh". We repeatedly asked him not to say that since its bad words. Kavya would question " "Sexy means beautiful, then why is it bad word?" :) How do you make a 7 yr old understand why she and her not-even-4-yet brother cannot use the word "sexy" ?

Today evening, we went to the Bath & Body Works store. I was checking out the items we bought while Gaurav was standing behind me with the kids. Just then, Ishaan went around and behind a girl in the line and randomly started singing "Ehhhh sexy lady eh" in the Gangnam tune. The girl was surprised and laughed. We felt embarrassed and tried to explain that its the Gangnam style song that the kids have picked up.

Oh boy.. What else will this age of internet and so much exposure to so many things at a young age would bring ?

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