Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ishaan is learning the 'sh' sound

Ever since Ishaan started talking, he would always say 's' instead of 'sh'. So, if you asked him his name, he would say "Isaan" instead of "Ishaan". Gaurav and I did not like that he was not even saying his name right.. and were wondering if he would ever learn the 'sh' sound.

Every morning, while driving him to school, Gaurav would practice with him to say the 'sh' sound.
Gradually, he started getting the hang of it. Few days back, once in a while, he would say "Ishaan" instead of "Isaan".. so we knew he was learning/trying.

And then yesterday, he started saying "Ishaan" consistently :) Both Gaurav and I were happy :)
Now we need to teach him to use 's' and 'sh' sounds correctly at the appropriate places..

Monday, May 21, 2012

Kavya and her school play - Mary Poppins

Almost 1.5 months ago, we got information in Kavya's homework folder about their spring program. They were going to do a musical on Mary Poppins. While we had heard about Mary Poppins, we did not know any details about the character. Based on the information we got from school, we gathered that Kavya was going to play the role of Mrs. Banks and that Mary Poppins was a nanny. Kavya had 6-7 dialogues for her role. She was excited and so were we. She quickly memorized all her dialogues and read over the script to see who was playing what and what were their dialogues.

Few days passed and they had started rehearsing. She was learning all the songs and singing them all the time. We all learnt a new word "Supercalifragalisticexpialidocious" which was very catchy. Then I got a note for her teacher regarding costume. I needed an adult/mature looking dress for the Mrs. Banks character. The dresses I had for Kavya did not fit that requirement. So, over the next 2 weeks, I asked few friends and got some dresses from them. We also saw the original Mary Poppins movie (made in 1964) on one of the Friday nights. Kavya tried out the dresses that I had borrowed from friends and I took pictures of her in those dresses. I showed those pictures to the teacher and we finalized on one dress (borrowed from Keya) with my purple hat.

On May 8th, they had a dress rehearsal. Parents could go to it if they wanted. Kavya really wanted me to go. I told her I would try and I was planning to go, but then I had a meeting around the same time. So, I couldn't go. When I picked her up that day, she said she was upset, because I didn't go. I asked her and found that very few parents had come. I promised I would go to the spring program.

Couple of days before May 21st, I reminded Gaurav about the program and he wasn't sure if he would be able to leave work that early since the program was at 1:45 pm on a Monday afternoon. But Kavya really wanted him to come. So, he said he would try. If he couldn't make it, we all agreed that we would watch the recording at night.

Finally, Monday, May 21st was almost here. Kavya remembered on Sunday night that her spring program was next day and got all excited. They had rehearsed lot of times and I was very confident of my little girl. I just had to remind her to speak loud and clear.

I reached few mins before the play and went to her class to see if they needed any help. I combed her hair a little and put on some lipstick for her. She was excited. Gaurav also made it to the play. We took our spots to record the play and take some pictures. Finally, the long awaited moment was here.. The play was wonderful. All the kids did a fabulous job. There was a celebration party in class after the play. The kids had some cookies and donuts and other sweet treats.

Our little Mrs. Banks was happy and content and so were we !!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bribing starts at an early age

In today's busy world, we all try to bribe kids with their favorite things when we want them to do certain things our way and fast. After trying that and telling stories and making plans, we were still having hard time getting the kids to wake up early on week day mornings and brush at night. So, Gaurav and I were discussing how to get them to do the daily things without any struggle - and then I came up with the coin system.

In early April, we announced that they would get money (coins) for different daily tasks. At the end of each month, we will go and celebrate with whatever money they have earned. So, the deal was like this :

Prompt wake up in the morning : 5 cents
Brush and shower                     : 5 cents
Brush at night                            : 5 cents
Nail biting                                 : -1 cent
Being good / helping out            : BONUS !!

We were little skeptical if this would work, but to our surprise it worked like magic.
We gave them their own piggybanks where they could put coins in everyday.. and we started giving out the coins every morning and night. Once they got the hang of it, the morning and night struggles went away. We even rewarded them with bonus coins when they did something nice.

In early May, we counted the coins.. both of them had about 4$ each and they chose to go Chuck E Cheese to celebrate.So, we went to Chuck E Cheese today (figured weekday would be easier than weekend) and we all had a blast. The kids exchanged their money for tokens and had fun. We then had pizza and then wrapped up the evening by exchanging the tickets with goodies (Kavya got cotton candy and Ishaan got smarties).

I hope the charm of coins continues for some more time..