Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Finally, Ishaan brushes with tooth paste

Ishaan has been allowing us to brush his teeth for quite some time now - however, he didn't like tooth paste.

Our first attempt was with kids toothpaste that has Thomas on it. He liked the tooth paste and wanted to hold it because of Thomas, but didn't want to brush with it. Then few months later, I got a cars tooth paste - but he still continued to say "I don't like tooth paste".

Late last year (Oct-Nov 2011), we tried to force him to brush with tooth paste, by holding his hands, but he would cry. We thought that if we tried that for a week or so, he would get used to it .. but his crying continued and so finally, we gave up.

As he had started eating almost everything, I was getting worried that his teeth would start decaying. Since he didn't want to brush with tooth paste, I got him some mouth wash hoping that we would at least gargle with it. But he didn't buy into that either.

We had been telling him that he is still a baby since he doesn't brush with toothpaste. Even Kavya has been helping by telling him stories and drawing some pictures to make him understand the importance of tooth paste, but he had been adamant.

Finally, yesterday at night, he himself suggested that he wants to brush with toothpaste. Gaurav was surprised and immediately called me. We were all so happy. He actually did brush with toothpaste. We danced and sang songs. We also promised him that if he continues this for the entire week then we will go and celebrate during the weekend.

He continued to brush with tooth paste this morning as well as at night. I think the "I don't like tooth paste" phase is now behind us. I am a happy mommy - ready for the next challenge :)

EDIT 3/15 : Brushing with tooth paste lasted only for couple of days. Now he says he does not like this tooth paste. So, now I need to try couple of other tooth pastes for him to see if he would like even one of them :(

EDIT 4/5 : I got Thomas and Strawberry toothpaste. However, he still did not want to brush with toothpaste. Gradually, he gave in to Thomas , but not strawberry. And once we started the coin system, he readily brushes with both (half and half) now.. Although he doesn't really enjoy :(

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