Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Kavya (4 years and 8 months) and Ishaan (19 months)

Hello !

Here I am with updates about Kavya (4 yrs and 8 months) and Ishaan(19 months). I know its been a while since the last update, but hey - better late than never :)

Past few months have been very busy with varieties of different activities.

Kavya is growing taller and learning lots of new things. She participated in her first public speaking competition in April. She talked about the recipe for cup cakes:). She also had her first ever dance performance on the stage on the song "All Izz Well" in May. She showed us how brave and fearless she is through her first indoor flying experience at iFly. She had her first ever graduation experience (Pre-K) in June too. Besides that, we went cherry picking in June, camping @ Big Basin during July 4th weekend, Carmel beach and Children's discovery museum in August. She enjoys biking, going to parks and library. She continues bollywood dance (currently dancing on Zoobi Doobi...) and swimming and recently she also started gymnastics. She is getting better at reading and writing in straight line. She enjoys drawing and coloring, building lego structures and watching Dora :). She changed school from Bright Horizon to Stratford since end of June 2010. She is all excited for our trip tomorrow to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Ishaan is getting smarter and naughtier day by day. He has lots of teeth (new ones still on the way) - we have lost count now :) He gave up his bottle and drinks milk with a sippy cup since he was 16 months olds. He loves fruits (like his mom) and vegetables (like his dad). He is a good eater, but he continues to be in 2 to 5 percentile, but since his growth rate is fine - we are not worried. He is learning new words everyday and recently, he has also started saying 2 words together. Even though he is not saying full sentences, he manages to convey everything. He is getting better at shape identification. He doesn't get past A, B when we sing the alphabet song, however, sometimes, when we sing or count, he will say the next alphabet or number and surprise us. So, it seems like he knows and understands, but just doesn't sing/speak. His love for soft toys and dolls is now fading and he is getting more into stuff like cars and batteries :) One thing that we still can't understand is his fascination for the weight (whistle) that we put on the pressure cooker. He loves to hold it and play with pressure cooker. He also enjoys playing with the toy kitchen - may be he was a chef in his past life :) He enjoys bike rides with mommy and going to the park. He greets us every morning with a big broad smile - really great way to start the day !!

Here are few pictures :


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great to read the progress and milestones achieved. Especially the "whistle", good that he likes it. In our case she freaks out if "whistle" blows. It really helps to understand, what is waiting for Enjoyed reading. Keep writing.