Tuesday, July 13, 2010

First camping experience with 2 kids

During July 4th long weekend, we went for camping at Big Basin with 5 other families. We were total of 17 adults and 9 kids (17 months to 8 years).

We were little skeptical about this camping trip with 2 kids at first, but since so many of our friends with kids were also going, we decided to give it a try. We left around noon on Saturday, July 3rd, had lunch at Taco Bell with few friends and then headed straight to Big Basin. It was quite a drive (very curvy and seemed long). Due to long weekend, it was very crowded. Finally, we reached our camping spot and put up tents. Then guys managed to get the BBQ going while girls prepared the stuff to be grilled. We enjoyed roasted corn, Burger with the veggie pattie from TJ along with marinated veggies and paneer. Kids enjoyed marshmallows and smores too ! One thing that kept bugging all of us was the mosquitoes. There were tons of them and despite applying mosquito repellent, they kept on biting us.

After dinner, we went for a short walk. It was getting dark, so we just sat around the fire and chatted. Guys then took off to watch the stars while girls continued to chat and watch after sleeping kids. The kids had so much fun running around, that they were were tired and fast asleep.

It got little cold at night, but was still bearable. Our tent was on a slope, so we had to be careful not to roll over. Although the night was without any incidents and no crying kids, we somehow didn't sleep very well.

Soon it was morning and we started preparing for breakfast. There were lots of stuff including crossaint, muffin, fafda-jalebi, watermelon, tea, khakra, dhokla, bataka pauva, etc. Kids continued to run around and have fun. After breakfast, we went for a short hike. By the time we came back, it was already time for check out. So, we folded tents and laid the table for sandwich lunch along with things left over from breakfast. After nice lunch, we all left for our houses with all the memories of a nice camping experience.

Will we do it again - sure.. hopefully once more during this summer - probably not at big basin though (due to those nasty mosquitoes :) )

Here are the pictures :

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