Friday, May 21, 2010

Kavya's Pre-K Graduation

Kavya has been going to Bright Horizons day care/school since Sept 2008. She started with Pre-K I and then jumped to Pre-K III in Aug 2009 since they merged Pre-K II and Pre-K III classes.

Today, they had Graduation ceremony for the Pre-K class. The kids had been preparing songs for this day for past few days. Kavya was excited about it and had been telling me (as well as her teacher) that she is going to wear a nice dress with stockings and black shoes that day :). The ceremony was from 11 to 1. So, Gaurav and I took couple of hours off to attend the ceremony. I have never been to any of my own graduation ceremony - did not have that concept in India and then for my Master's graduation, I had already started work - so chose not to go. (I now wish it would have been a good experience if I had gone :) ) And Kavya was going to have her Pre-K graduation :)

The graduation ceremony was outside and it was little windy. The parents had all slowly gathered and were waiting for the kids to come out. And just around 11:00 am, the kids lined up and started walking towards us. They all had the graduation cap on and a garland around their neck. They were so cute and especially Kavya - she looked so pretty in her dress with that graduation cap. They all sat down on their chairs and sang the graduation songs and then the teachers called their names and they came forward to collect their diplomas..

Binduben, Harshil and Nehal joined shortly after. We took some pictures and then went into the classroom where they had set up a potluck lunch. We all had something to eat and chatted with some parents/teachers and then came back home with Kavya, Harshil and Nehal. Kavya got rest of the day off from school :)

Kavya will most likely have another Pre-K graduation next year since she is born after the cut-off date and so will be repeating Pre-K at new school next year. But in any case, this first graduation was a nice experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats Kavya!!