Friday, July 31, 2009

Kavya (3 yrs and 7 months) and Ishaan (6 months)

Here I am with more updates on both kids. Kavya is little over 3.5 years and Ishaan is little over 6 months already !!

This past quarter has been very eventful for all of us. We did a long road trip in mid June to LA (Disneyland) and San Diego with both kids, Koki-ba went back to India in June, and then we also flew to NY two weeks back - first flight for Ishaan.

Ishaan started turning over when he was just a week shy of 5 months. And then just before turning 6 months, he started to sit without support for good amount of time. In past 2 weeks he has also started to crawl a bit - In Gaurav's words, he moves like a caterpillar - goes forward a bit and then gets back on his tummy and then goes forward again. We also started solid foods (rice and oat cereal) for him at 4.5 months and veggies just over this past weekend. He demands lot of attention and likes being carried around. If you put him down, he starts crying. He is very active and gets very restless easily. He likes to put everything in his mouth - almost seems like he will start teething soon.

Kavya is also growing up fast. She is learning to read and write. She can also identify all the car brands (Toyota, Honda, .. and more than 20 others ...) through their symbols. She likes to play and take care of Ishaan, but she still has some jealousy issues. She also does not like to share her toys and books with Ishaan - she would shout "No, don't touch.. that is mine, bhaiyu' :) Her English has improved a lot. For more than half of times, she now speaks in English and we have to remind her to speak in Gujarati. She had a blast at her first disneyland visit and at grand parents house in NY.

Looking back, it seems like Kavya was much easier to handle than Ishaan at this age:)

Here are some of their pics :

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