Friday, May 15, 2009

Ishaan at 4 months

Ishaan is already 4 months old. He got his 4-month shots (1 oral and 3 injections in the thigh) today.. Poor baby.. But he seems to be doing well. Just cried when he was given the shots for a bit. He was OK afterward.

He is a delight to hold and play with. He has good head control now. He likes to sit up - either in your lap or with the support of a pillow. So, he is working on his back muscles now. No sign of rolling over yet, though.

He likes to play peek-a-boo with you. It brings a big smile on his face. He has also started to recognize people. So, as soon as he sees his daddy or mommy or grand ma, he will greet with a big teethless smile :)

He has started demanding lot of time and attention lately. He does not like to lay down and play on his own. He will do that for a minute or two and then start crying. So, one has to either sit there and play with him or hold/carry him.

On food front, he is drinking about 4oz milk every 3 hours. Good thing is that he is OK with any bottle and also latches fine. So, that is very convenient. He used to spit up a lot about a month back, but it has gone down a lot now. We will soon be starting solids (rice cereal) for him.

We are enjoying our time with little Ishaan. Everyone says, enjoy them while they are little. I am not at all looking forward to the running around and terrible two phase yet.

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