Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Milestone : Start of solid foods for Ishaan

Ishaan had rice cereal for the first time today evening .. you can say that was his dinner :-) He took it really well. He was happy and didn't protest too much. Lets see how future feedings turn out to be.

This first feeding brought back some old forgotten memories of how messy the baby feeding projects can be :) I also remembered that we started solids for Kavya for the first time on 4/26/2006.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cherry picking in Brentwood

Last year was the first time we went cherry picking and it was so much fun that we had to go again this year. So, we went cherry picking with friends today to the Lopez Cherry farm in Brentwood. We had a really good time.. will come back again next year.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kavya's first dance performance

Kavya has been going to CLAP Art's Dance and Movement class in her school every Wednesday. Today was her first performance. Although it is hard for kids at this age to follow all the steps and instructions, it was lot of fun to watch Kavya. She likes to dance, just not as per the instructions :) Hopefully, she will get better at it.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Ishaan at 4 months

Ishaan is already 4 months old. He got his 4-month shots (1 oral and 3 injections in the thigh) today.. Poor baby.. But he seems to be doing well. Just cried when he was given the shots for a bit. He was OK afterward.

He is a delight to hold and play with. He has good head control now. He likes to sit up - either in your lap or with the support of a pillow. So, he is working on his back muscles now. No sign of rolling over yet, though.

He likes to play peek-a-boo with you. It brings a big smile on his face. He has also started to recognize people. So, as soon as he sees his daddy or mommy or grand ma, he will greet with a big teethless smile :)

He has started demanding lot of time and attention lately. He does not like to lay down and play on his own. He will do that for a minute or two and then start crying. So, one has to either sit there and play with him or hold/carry him.

On food front, he is drinking about 4oz milk every 3 hours. Good thing is that he is OK with any bottle and also latches fine. So, that is very convenient. He used to spit up a lot about a month back, but it has gone down a lot now. We will soon be starting solids (rice cereal) for him.

We are enjoying our time with little Ishaan. Everyone says, enjoy them while they are little. I am not at all looking forward to the running around and terrible two phase yet.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kavya's first card

Kavya is gradually learning to write. Till today, we had only seen her write her own name and then few other letters here and there.

Today is Mother's day and Sheel's birthday. This afternoon, to keep her busy, Gaurav asked her if she would like to make a card for Sheel (a very good friend of ours). Kavya really likes Sheel - so she was very excited about it. So, Gaurav gave her a paper and on another paper suggested her what she could write on the card. To our surprise, Kavya copied exactly what Gaurav wrote : "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" on the front followed by SHEEL and KAVYA's name inside. She also went on to add some pictures like sun, flower, river, tree, etc.

Oh! what a cute first card. We were so proud of her.

Knowing what she was capable of doing, Gaurav asked her if she would like to make a card for mommy since it was also Mother's day... and my dear daughter just plainly refused :)