Thursday, July 14, 2016

Ishaan is getting the hang of swimming

Ishaan has been scared of water since he was a baby. When he was little, he did not like water on his face - even in the shower. When he was little under 3, we tried out the mommy & me swim lessons for him and it did not go well. He cried so much for first couple of classes, that I had to pull him out.

Between the ages of 3 and 7, we tried swim lessons for him on and off at various places - AVAC, YMCA, WaterWorks Aquatics, Mrs. T, Almaden Cabana, Private lessons at a friend's pool, etc - however, he just wasn't getting the hang of it.

This summer, I enrolled him for daily swim lessons at Almaden Cabana. This is his 5th week of continuous lessons and he is finally getting the hang of it. He can swim half length using free style with side breathing. He is not afraid of water any more and even attempts to go in the deep side. He is still refining his free style and side breathing and also learning back stroke. I am so happy to see his progress. He now wants to swim more and more !!