Friday, August 31, 2012

New schools brings lot of new "things" for everyone

Kavya started 1st grade at our neighborhood public school on August 15th and Ishaan started preschool at Challenger on August 20th. New school for both kids brings lot of changes for us as well as kids.

New schools mean new friends, new environment, new schedule, new rules, new expectations as well as new challenges. So, we were skeptical on how well the kids (as well as us) will like the new schools. But to our surprise, we all like the new schools and everything else that comes with it.

Kavya took a couple of days to make friends and settle down. Her class teacher is great. She loves CDC - which is the extended care facility on Graystone campus (Most of the days, going to CDC is the favorite part of her day - primarily because of all the art work she gets to do there). Since she went to a private school before, she is a little ahead in Maths and Reading. So, that gives her as well as us a little relief when it comes to homework and tests. In less than 2 weeks, she is used to the school rules, routine and environment. We have also settled on a weekly carpool arrangement with one of our neighbors !! Her school is close by which makes it easier for us. The only thing I would change if I could, would be to have uniform (although Kavya is not fussy about what to wear, it just makes it easy). Also, something that we will have to keep a closer eye on going forward is the company she is in (her friends in class, during recess and at CDC). Overall, things are looking good so far.

Ishaan had been excited to go to Challenger and we are glad that he was not disappointed. He is happy to go to school and is very cheerful at school. He never cried or hesitated since day 1. All his teachers have told us that he is always smiling. The school is less than a mile which is a big big plus as compared to his previous school. There is also more structure and academic focus and we are glad Ishaan is happy in this environment. Although I did not like the fact that he had uniform for 2 days (Monday and Tuesday) since he is just in preschool, but after seeing him in the uniform, I think he looks cute and smart. So, now I wouldn't mind if he had to wear it all 5 days :)

So far, there are more pluses and less challenges. Will have to see how it holds up !