Sunday, July 10, 2011

...And Kavya lost her first tooth already !!

Friday evening, all of a sudden, Kavya came running to me with something in her hand and screaming, "Mommy, look, look". I took a closer look and realized that she was showing me her tooth that just fell off. She was so happy and excited. She was waiting for this day.

Gaurav and I took pictures of her remaining teeth to show the space in between.
We then put the teeth in a ziploc bag to put under her pillow along with the note she had written for the tooth fairy.

We noticed that the new teeth is already coming out, but it is slightly on the inside - so most likely she would need braces when she grows up to align her teeth.

That night, Kavya forgot to put the note with the teeth and I had the 10 mile run on Saturday morning. So, we forgot to put some goodie in place of her tooth. She was a bit upset when she woke up in the morning (sorry dear !!), but then Gaurav explained to her that the tooth fairy must be very busy and that she also didn't put the note for tooth fairy.

So, she remembered put the note and teeth under her pillow last night .. and she was very happy this morning to find $10 in place of them. She didn't really have much interest in the money, but she was happy to know that the tooth fairy had come. Although she has asked us a couple of times already if the tooth fairy is actually real :)

One tooth down, 19 more to go over the next 2-3 years.

Monday, July 04, 2011

Kavya's first tooth is loose !

We went camping with lots of friends (there were 38 of us including 13 kids, 6 parents and rest young adults :) ) to Brannan Island State Park in Sacramento County yesterday. Soon after we had set up and kids had started playing, Kavya came up to me and said her lower middle teeth was moving. She was so excited !! So far, she had only heard about baby teeth falling off and getting a special gift from tooth fairy. But now it was actually happening to her. She showed it to everyone and kept on moving the teeth.

When we got home from camping earlier today, she wrote a letter to the tooth fairy making a request for a special gift (princess slate to play pictionary).

Later in the evening, we met other friends at Ruchir-Sheel's place and she showed her loose teeth to everyone there. Anusha actually pointed out that the new teeth is already showing.

My little princess is growing up! Its scary and exciting at the same time.

Ishaan's first week at school

After seeing Ishaan play happily for 1 hour for the first 2-3 days at his new school (Montessori Way), we were hoping that Ishaan would have no problem when he starts full time. June 27 thru July 1st was his first full week (reduced hours) at school. I decided to work from home that week since the school is very near our place - so, in case there were any issues, I can go and pick-up Ishaan very quickly. I would drop Ishaan around 8:30 to 9:00 am and pick him up at 2:30 pm.

Overall, the first week was very hard on Ishaan. He kept crying the entire time. He terribly misses his Jyotsna ba and Koki ba. Due to the 1-hour trial days, he got used to being picked up in relatively small amount of time while he was playing outside. However, now that he had to have lunch at school and also take a nap there, he was upset. As per the teacher, nothing they would do or say would calm him. He cried almost all the time he was awake. He would get so tired from crying that he would get sleepy by 10:30 am. On Wednesday, they actually called me at 1:30 saying that Ishaan just woke up from sleep and he is not calming down - so if I could pick him up early it will help other kids who were still napping. He even did not eat properly at school during that week. I would feed him his lunch and snack after I pick him up.

If I ask Ishaan why he was crying, he would say because mommy wasn't there (Mumma nohti). We tried to explain him that Mommy-daddy have to go to work and that Jyotsna ba has gone to London and Koki ba has gone to India. Also, tried to bribe him that if he did not cry at school, then I will take him to toysrus and buy his favorite toy. But nothing really worked. Later in the week, he also started waking up crying in the middle of night - and when he did that, we could not even touch him or hug him - he would just be very violent for 5-10 mins.

I feel bad for him.. This change seems to be really hard for him.. but then he has to learn this some day.
The school is off during the July 4th week - So, Gaurav and I are going to taking turns at staying at home with Ishaan. So, when he goes back to school on Monday, 7/11, its going to be all over again. I hope he adjusts soon. Keeping my fingers crossed...