Thursday, January 06, 2011

Ishaan knows his ABCs

We have tried teaching ABCs to Ishaan several times - either through the ABCD rhyme or through books. However, when we ask him to sing ABCD, he will just sing ABCD and stop. However, today morning, he was sitting in his high chair while I was working in the kitchen and all of a sudden, I heard him sing "LMNOP..QRSUVW" and I was pleasantly surprised. So, it seems he knows most of his ABCs, but just doesn't sing it all the time.

He has also been able to identify the basic colors like green, blue, red, yellow, pink for over couple of weeks now (although he knows them, he often does not say it correctly when you ask him to identify some color). And he can count till 14 (only when he wants to though) and he usually starts counting at 2 instead of 1. Wonder why 14 ? Well, that's because we have 14 steps and we usually count when going up or coming down :) He is able to speak sentences that are 4-5 words long and often breaks it up in 2 parts if it is longer than that. But he is able to communicate very fluently - mostly in Gujarati though.

He is growing up too fast. While I am looking forward to that, I also like this innocent age.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Kavya and her understanding of "Promise"

Last night I was putting Kavya and Ishaan to bed. I was sleeping in the middle with one kid on each of my side. Then, Kavya wanted to drink water. I told her to go downstairs and drink some, but she was afraid to go all by herself and wanted me to go with her. Ishaan was almost ready to go to sleep and he was sleeping on my hand. So, I tried to bribe her with chocolate in her lunch box the next day if she went to get water on her own or went to bed without water. She seemed to forget about it for a minute, but then started asking for water once again. So, I promised her that I will go and get water for her after Ishaan is asleep. She liked that. While waiting for Ishaan to sleep, both of us fell asleep :).
I woke up around midnight and came down to check something in the kitchen. I remembered that Kavya wanted water and I had promised her. So, I took a glass for her. Next day, she woke up around 7:00 am and looked at me and asked "Mama, what did you promise me?". Although I knew she would remember it, I was surprised to see her wake up this early and jump right on it. I felt so glad that I woke up at midnight and remembered to get her glass. I pointed her to the glass. She took a sip, went to the restroom and went back to sleep.

This made me realize that she is really starting to understand the meaning of "Promise". She is also learning to trust others when they promise something. My little angel is growing up !!