Thursday, September 16, 2010

Babu becomes Ishaan

Ishaan has been calling himself as 'Babu' forever now. We have been trying to teach him to call himself as Ishaan, but he just didn't know how to say Ishaan till today. Today, when he called himself Babu, I told him "Nooo.. what do you call babu?", he replied "Ishaan". I was pleasantly surprised. Over the next half hour, I asked him almost 10-15 times "Taru naam shu che?" (What is your name?) and he would smile and say Ishaan :) He actually says Ichaan (ch instead of sh), but hopefully he will get it right soon..

He still calls himself babu, but when I correct him, he says Ishaan. So, hopefully, he will soon forget babu. More importantly, we need to forget it first :)

He actually did something similar with Gaurav. Instead of calling him Daddy, he used to call him Gaurav. But then we would correct him each time he said Gaurav and now he calls him Daddy most of the times.

His vocabulary is increasing and he is able to say/convey lots of things now. He is also starting to sing ABC.. He has reached till D so far. In terms of counting, he can count to 4 and then 6, 7, 8, 10 (skips 9) :) But he is learning lots of new words and things everyday. Its a fun age and it is great to watch him grow.