Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ishaan's 1 year checkup

Today, Ishaan had his 1 year checkup appointment although he is already 15 months old now :) (Due to the timing and his doctor's suggestion about when he would like to see him, it just turned out to be this way).

Ishaan's height was 31 inches (close to 50 percentile), head circumference was 47 cm (about 40 percentile) and weight was 19 lb 13 oz. He was off the chart in terms of percentile for weight :) This has been the case for past 6 months now.

Ishaan eats well. Infact, it feels like he is eating all day. But he is not putting on weight. The doctor advised me to mix some formula in his food to help him put on weight, but I am going to try feeding him more ghee and butter and cheese :)

Everything else was fine as per the check-up.
Ishaan is healthy, happy and very active. So, I am not worried about his weight.
Most of us are worried about losing weight, while Ishaan needs to put on weight :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ishaan's first lollipop

My mom has been telling me for quite some time now to give Ishaan a lollipop and see what he does with it. Finally, I did that today. I was giving a lollipop to Kavya and Keya and decided to give one to Ishaan as well. As soon as I gave it to him, he held it tight and started sucking it. He liked it very much and continued to suck on it. When I tried to take it out of his hand, he refused and held it really tight. He looked so cute while he was sucking it.. His hands were all sticky and he was drooling.. but he continued to suck it. Finally, only little was left when he dropped it on the floor. So, I picked it up swiftly before he could get to it and threw it away. He did not cry or ask for it again, so it seems like he was satisfied and had enjoyed it thoroughly.

Check out the video:

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kavya's first public speaking competition

Today, Kavya participated in Win With Words competition organized by Mahek's school (Genius Kids). For this competition they had different categories based on kid's age. Kavya was in Category 3 which was for kids 4 to 5 years of age. The kids had to select a topic from the list of 20 topics and talk about it for 1 to 3 minutes.

When Pooja mentioned about this competition, I thought it would be a good idea for Kavya to participate and get some experience of talking on the stage in front of audience. When I asked Kavya if she would like to take part, she was ready. From among the topics provided, she selected 'My favorite recipe' and wanted to talk about cupcakes :). So, I wrote up the content for her and started practicing with her. On the very first day, she learnt half of it and then took about a week to perfect it. We used to practice everyday in the car while going to and coming back from school. Then, whatever she would learn, she would rehearse it with Gaurav in the evening. Finally, she had learnt it all and yesterday was the first time when she went on without any mistake.

To get her excited and also to add the extra touch to the content, I had got an apron and chef's hat from ToysRUs. I also actually made the cupcakes on Thursday with her to get her excited and to take some to the competition for other kids.

Finally, the day of competition arrived today. We all got up really early and got ready. We had to report by 9:45 and the location was at some church in Fremont. There were quite a few kids there - may be around 35-40 (all Indians :) )There were about 15 kids in Kavya's category. Kavya was the 5th one to speak. We all waited for Kavya's turn. When her name was announced, I took her to the stage and she immediately started. No fear, no hesitation and no mistakes.. I was so proud of my little girl !!

While earlier I thought it would be nice even if she just went on the stage and spoke something, now I wanted her to win! (Greedy mom :). So, we patiently waited for the results. Unfortunately, she did not win. I was disappointed.. although Kavya was just fine. She probably did not care or understand. So, we kept our disappointment to ourselves. Oh well - she had already won in our view when she went up there and did not make a single mistake. We treated her to her favorite lollipop and she was a happy kid !

Check out the video: