Friday, September 25, 2009

Ishaan is learning to self feed

For past couple of weeks, either Gaurav, Kavya or I would feed the finger food (those Gerber puffs) to Ishaan. However, since yesterday, he seems to be learning to self feed. He tries to hold the little pieces in-between his fingers and then attempts to put those fingers (and thus the food) in his mouth. This morning, out of 10 times, he probably did it successfully 9 times... Now, isn't that something ??

It's very funny to watch him while he does this because he does not have a very good grip yet and also he puts multiple fingers in his mouth and sometimes ends up with only fingers in his mouth while the food drops out :)

The best part is that this activity keeps him busy, so we can do some other work or eat while he feeds himself.

Video coming very soon...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Kavya pretends to be a baby ..

For most part, Kavya is out of the jealousy phase and seems to have accepted her little baby brother.. But end of one phase is only the beginning of another :) So, now is her new baby phase. She likes to pretend and be treated like a baby - just like Ishaan. Here are certain things that she does :

* When we go out for a walk in the evening, she would usually ride her bike and Ishaan would be in the stroller. However, for last few days, she would say that she is also a baby and hence she also wants to go in a stroller. So, we end up going with two strollers..
* She had started drinking her milk out of a regular mug with a straw, but now she insists on drinking out of a sippy cup and that too while lying in Gaurav or my lap - as if feeding a baby with a bottle.
* If I play peek-a-boo or something baby-ish with Ishaan that makes Ishaan smile/laugh, she wants me to do the same with her and when I do that, she also laughs.
* She wants to be carried around the house and upstairs for bed time just like Ishaan.
* She likes to eat Ishaan's finger food (those small Gerber puffs). If I give her some when I give those to Ishaan, she will quickly finish hers and then come to take all of Ishaan's. But lately, we have started telling her that she needs to be a good sister and not a mean sister and so she will eat some herself and also feed Ishaan some :)

Hopefully, she will grow out of this phase as Ishaan grows..

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Milestone: Ishaan can climb stairs..

Ishaan is growing fast. Two days back, Gaurav saw him sitting on the 2nd step with Kavya and Kavya claimed that he got there by himself. Since we didn't see this with our own eyes, we were still in denial. Today, I was sitting at the top of the stairs (7 steps) and Ishaan was at the very bottom. Gaurav was standing right behind him.. and Ishaan started to climb - one step at a time to reach to me.. Couple of times, it seemed like he would fall, but he did just fine and made it to the top.

Gaurav and I could not decided whether to feel happy about Ishaan's new learning or to feel worried that we need to be constantly watching him now ? But I guess, since we were showing all of our teeth, we were happy and proud of our little bundle of joy!!