Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dealing with sibling jealousy

Kavya has been pretty good with Ishaan from the start and so were thinking that we do not have the sibling jealousy issue. However, after couple of months, she started to show some signs of sibling jealousy - She would talk rudely or become very quiet. At first we weren't very sure if this was related to sibling jealousy, but then few days back, when Gaurav was trying to play with her while holding Ishaan, she explicitly asked him to go and put Ishaan down and then play with her. So, it occurred to us that we are indeed dealing with sibling jealousy ** sigh **

Often times, the issue is very evident when she suddenly starts behaving badly/talking rudely as soon as she sees someone (either me or Gaurav or Koki mummy) holding Ishaan. Infact, she thinks that Koki mummy is here only to take care of Ishaan.. and so she does not talk nicely with Koki mummy sometimes.. :(

We are trying our best to give her attention and involve her in different activities with Ishaan, but I guess it is still hard for her to accept this big change. I read on some site that imagine if your husband brought home some other woman pne fine day and said "Honey, I love you very much, but this woman is going to live with us now"..How would we take it ? It is a very similar situation for kids when they have a younger sibling. Since the younger sibling is not really playing or interacting yet, they see no benefit of having them around.

At least the good thing is that she is good with Ishaan. She also tries to play with him sometimes and hold him and help out in diaper changing, etc. Hopefully, she will get over the sibling jealousy phase soon..

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kavya (3 yr 4 months) & Ishaan (3 months)

Time is flying by really fast. Kavya is 3 yrs 4 months and Ishaan is 3 months old already.

Kavya has started full-time school. She still offers resistance at drop-off time, but after that she is fine. She is learning new things everyday She has started conversing more and more in English now and her vocabulary is also improving. Sometimes, her accent makes it difficult to understand what she is saying - These ABD kids.. (No..Not ABCD - Kavya is not confused - at least I would like to think so :) ). Lately, she enjoys riding her bike, coloring (she is getting good at it), working on her computer (mainly www.starfall.com and typing) and watching Dora and Mickey Mouse. She is learning to write now and has also started swimming lessons.

Ishaan has started responding and giving big and repeatable smiles. He has also started holding on to things. If you hold him side ways, he clungs on to your clothing or hair really tight :) When lying on his back, he pushes hard on his heels and 'rotates' in all directions. He is a big bundle of joy and fun to be around now. He likes to talk and often responds back when you talk to him. He observes things around him very keenly. He likes to blow bubbles and so I call him 'Bablu' :)

Kavya enjoys being around Ishaan - playing with him and feeding him. However, sometimes she also seems to be jealous - she doesn't say anything (probably because she is too little to realize that she is jealous), but you can sense that from her behavior - she will either become very quiet or upset or talk in angry tone. I am hoping that few months down the road they will play well with each other (of course with occasional fights).

Kavya and Ishaan are keeping us busy. But it is fun (and sometimes tiring too :) ) to watch them grow.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Kavya : Pretending to be a teacher

Kavya has started to imitate her teacher. In the evening, when we all sit and chat and watch TV, she will get a book and sit on a chair in front of us and pretend to be a teacher who is going to read us (her students) a story. If we talk to each other or watch TV while she is reading the story to us, she will get upset and yell "You are not listening. I will call Miss Mandy" :)

Today, surprisingly, she pretended to be Ishaan's teacher. She got her chair and ABC book and sat in front of Ishaan and started teaching him ABC. She probably figured that Ishaan would be a better student than we were and would pay closer attention to what she was teaching :)